How to cite SlicerDMRI in publications
- How to cite the Slicer platform
An example of how to cite SlicerDMRI (modify the sentence according to your use case):
“We performed diffusion MRI tractography and/or analysis and/or visualization in 3D Slicer ( via the SlicerDMRI project ( (Zhang et al. 2020; Norton et al. 2017).”
Fan Zhang, Thomas Noh, Parikshit Juvekar, Sarah F Frisken, Laura Rigolo, Isaiah Norton, Tina Kapur, Sonia Pujol, William Wells III, Alex Yarmarkovich, Gordon Kindlmann, Demian Wassermann, Raul San Jose Estepar, Yogesh Rathi, Ron Kikinis, Hans J Johnson, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Steve Pieper, Alexandra J Golby, Lauren J O’Donnell. SlicerDMRI: Diffusion MRI and Tractography Research Software for Brain Cancer Surgery Planning and Visualization. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 4, e299-309, 2020.
Isaiah Norton, Walid Ibn Essayed, Fan Zhang, Sonia Pujol, Alex Yarmarkovich, Alexandra J. Golby, Gordon Kindlmann, Demian Wassermann, Raul San Jose Estepar, Yogesh Rathi, Steve Pieper, Ron Kikinis, Hans J. Johnson, Carl-Fredrik Westin and Lauren J. O’Donnell. SlicerDMRI: Open Source Diffusion MRI Software for Brain Cancer Research. Cancer Research 77(21), e101-e103, 2017.
An example of how to cite whitematteranalysis and the ORG atlas (modify the sentence according to your use case):
“We performed tractography parcellation (or anatomical tract identification) using the whitematteranalysis package and the ORG tractography atlas ( (Zhang et al. 2018; O’Donnell et al. 2007).”
- Zhang, F., Wu, Y., Norton, I., Rathi, Y., Makris, N., O’Donnell, L.J., 2018. An anatomically curated fiber clustering white matter atlas for consistent white matter tract parcellation across the lifespan. NeuroImage, 179: 429–447, 2018.
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